A budget-friendly option that improves the condition of the vehicles paint by up to 70%. An all in one treatment that leaves your paint with a renewed finish. Often paired with a 1-2 year ceramic coating for lasting gloss.
Consisting of both a cut and polish process, the 2 step paint correction removes deeper damage, and yields up to a 85%+ improvement in the paint’s condition. Perfect for older vehicles, or as a precursor to a 4 year ceramic coating.
Paint correction is the process of removing minor scratches, hazing, holograms, swirling and other defects from the vehicle’s clear coat. This is achieved through the use of various machine polishers, combined with different types of compounds, cuts and polishes to slowly remove microscopic layers of the paint’s clear coat , safely removing the surface imperfections.
Our 1 step package involves an all in one polish, designed to give maximum results in a single pass. This allows for a budget friendly service that can yield up to a 70% improvement in the paint’s condition. Our 2 step package is a more in depth service, consisting of a cutting stage that removes deeper imperfections. After this, a separate compound and pad are used to finish the paint, removing the haze from the prior step. This process leaves a deeper gloss and can yield up to an 85% improvement in the vehicle’s paint.